Trevor Stockwell Leadership Development Services







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is enough!

Enough is enough!

Same old, same old every day?
No option to progress?
Have colleagues moved on?
Do you feel like you've plateaued?

Do you feel under-valued?

Not taken seriously?
Is your role stifling your potential?

Want to feel challenged again?



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like-minded leaders and get

FREE Access to the 'Eliminating Procrastination' webinar recording (and other benefits)...

Join the TDLDS Tribe to expedite your growth

alongside like-minded leaders, and get the

FREE Self-Leadership chapter, from the 

International Amazon #1 Best-Seller,

'8 Qualities For Great Leadership'

Join the TDLDS Tribe to expedite your growth

alongside like-minded leaders, and get the

FREE Self-Leadership chapter, from the 

International Amazon #1 Best-Seller,

'8 Qualities For Great Leadership'

Other benefits include:

- Leadership insights by email

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Are you a leader or manager that is stuck in a rut? You know you have more potential but feel trapped in the mundane routine that is 'safe'. Do you desire to challenge yourself and pursue a life of significance, or just exist? It is time to invest in your leadership development.


As a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member, and an independent Leadership and Personal Development Coach, Speaker & Trainer with 20+ years of first-hand leadership experience, I can help you navigate the pressures and demands you face whilst discovering & implementing new things. LIVE BIGGER!!

Hi, I'm Trevor Stockwell...

Trevor Stockwell Leadership Development Services
leadership development businessman ready for challenges

Ready to shift gears & invest

in your leadership


Ready to shift gears & invest

in your leadership development?

Nothing of significance occurs with little to no effort. Are you ready to make a change, and pay the price associated with an exciting journey of discovery & significance?

Willing to push past the comfortable to discover new depths of potential?


# 1 Define what you want to achieve. 


# 2 Take action and continually grow.


# 3 Experience the benefits of regularly exercising your potential and leaving your comfort zone.

You don't have to feel this way...

Struggling to cope?

Feeling powerless?

Remember what this felt like?

leadership development stressed businesswoman
leadership development anxious businessman
Leadership development frustrated businessman

Leadership Development avoids:

leadership development group training

Explore DISC...

Explore Training...

Explore Coaching & Mentoring...



leadership development DISC training
leadership development coaching


Proven leadership principles that have stood the test of time.

As John C. Maxwell, the world's #1 leadership guru states, 

'Growth doesn't just happen'.


Our best lives are available but won't appear by default. Being intentional about taking action and pursuing continued growth is a key factor in producing your best results.


However you define success, consistency compounds. What we do daily builds, and either works for us or against us.  If you're determined enough to consistently grow in your strengths, you'll experience success.

Leadership Development Services...

Leadership Training


One-to-one or group training: maximise your potential & invest in your growth.

Sharpen both your self-leadership, and how you lead others.


One of the strengths of the MasterMind is the ability to gather with like-minded individuals corporately creating a unique and powerful learning environment, maximising your ROI (both time & money).


Bespoke one-to-one or group training is also available, pending a prior discussion and confirmation that it's a good fit for all parties.

Coaching & Mentoring


These are two separate disciplines, each have an important part to play in our growth & success. Accountability is a common element.


Coaching brings clarity, and explores the subconscious habits and patterns of behaviours that hold us back from the success & fulfilment we desire...we can choose to discover and change them! 


The Mentor provides input differently, sharing wisdom from the path they've walked. Mentorship provides external direction and insight. 

DISC Behavioural Analysis


What if you could tap into your greatest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships & leadership?


Your individual personality affects every aspect of your life. One of the best things you can do to grow yourself and improve your leadership is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you.


Discovering how your team members are wired also reveals the best approach when it comes to communicating with them.

Ready to grow and discover more potential?

Find out more...

Join the Leadership Development Community, grow with

like-minded leaders and get

FREE Access to the 'Eliminating Procrastination' webinar recording...

Other benefits include:

- Leadership insights by email

- News of promotions and events


TSLDS ©2024

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Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member
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