IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the unique and single-use element of the DISC assessment key, once the key has been issued, refunds are not possible.

Leadership Mentoring Programs include:

1-month or 3-month

6-month or 12-month

or Bespoke

MasterMind Groups & other Training Programs include:

5-sessions / 7-sessions /

10-sessions / Bespoke

Leadership Coaching Programs include:

1-month or 3-month

6-month or 12-month

or Bespoke

A study by the Association for Training and Development (ATD) found that you are 65% more likely to meet a goal after committing to another person. 

If you also establish an ongoing partnership, your chances increase

 to 95%!!  

[Psychology Today - Sept 2018]

Leadership Mentoring


Mentoring helps you utilise the life experiences and learning from someone that's further along the path of growth you want to travel. Leverage the learning from mistakes I've made, those I've observed, along with insights I've gleaned from more than 25 years of ongoing Self-leadership, Team leadership & Personal growth.


My desire and focus is to help empower you (with your co-operation), to live the best life possible, and reach the level of significance you desire. 


I believe you have the ability to exceed all that you currently imagine for yourself, and what you think you're capable of. Are you frustrated in your life & leadership?


Or looking to take a quantum leap to bypass pitfalls that waste your time & delay your progress?


If you're looking to improve your self-leadership just for your own benefit, then I don't think we're a good fit. I am passionate about helping others... to help others. To 'pay it forward' so to speak. 


Do you want to explore what you're capable of? I can assure you it's more than you currently think...

Let's discuss the best option...

virtual or in-person

from £695

“Coaching has been very helpful on focusing on my priorities and I am eternally grateful for all your support.”

- IT Professional (UK)


"Thanks. You played a big part in making this happen."
- Finance Professional & Team Leader (UK)

Leadership Coaching


Coaching creates a safe space for honesty, to explore self-leadership and how well you lead others, by providing a place for you to examine the 'stuff' inside, the hidden answers that YOU hold which could be glossed over. We can easily keep ourselves busy and convince ourselves that if we are busy we are being productive.


“I feel so much more positive and energised. I am clearer about getting rid of the obstacles [fear etc]. Thank you for a superb session.”

- Transformational Life Coach (UK)


It’s not about me (as the Coach) telling you what you should do, but assisting you to explore within and tap into your core beliefs and thinking. The best answers you need are within you, and I'll help you maximise your self-leadership by discovering them.


“…tremendous. I've gained clarity in a lot of areas.”

- Entrepreneur (Norway)


Is YOUR time & energy focused on what YOU want to establish in YOUR life?


Does your self-leadership actually go beyond serving your own interests to those of others?


Are you ready to raise your level of self-awareness…about your patterns of behaviour, patterns of thinking, the things you want to get to ‘someday’ (you know, that imaginary day in time called ‘someday’)?

Let's discuss the best option...

Let's discuss the best option...

virtual or in-person

from £195

virtual or in-person

from £249

DISC Behavioural Analysis


When you recognise your strengths and weaknesses, you are able to give your best as you work with people around you. Learn how to get along with anyone, even if you're not a 'people person'.


Everyone you encounter has different motivations, communicates differently, and views tasks and relationships differently.


The Maxwell DISC Assessment Report helps you achieve greater success by learning to value your Personality and Leadership strengths as well as those of others.


The DISC assessment takes <10 minutes to complete. You will then receive your 30-page personalised report. The assessment key with report is available to purchase separately or as part of the DISC De-Brief Package. 

Leadership Training


As an independent Trainer with the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team, I deliver leadership training virtually & in-person, with the focus on  maximising your self-leadership ability, and leading others well. Great leaders realise that ongoing growth is an essential part of their leadership journey. The moment we stop growing, we stagnate and become ineffective leaders because today's success can become tomorrow's mediocrity. 


I've seen the transformational power of MasterMind Private Group sessions which equip each attendee with insights from John's impressive accomplishments & learning, as well as drawing upon experiences and wisdom from my personal leadership journey spanning more than 20+ years (so far...)! MasterMind sessions span several weeks to consolidate learning mixed with practical implementation and discussion. Bespoke durations are also possible.


Training Topics include:


Self-leadership & Personal Growth


Team Leadership & Development

Developing a Leadership Mindset

More than ONE MILLION DISC assessments are taken every year. Why not benefit from this proven method to uncover insights about yourself & others.


The DISC De-Brief Package consists of:

  i) 1x DISC Personality Behavioural Assessment key.

  ii) A 30-page Personality Behavioural Report (incl. 7 Leadership areas).

  iii) A 60-min virtual De-brief session with me to leverage the benefits of your personality and discuss how to maximise the findings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the unique and single-use element of the DISC assessment key, once the key has been issued, refunds are not possible.


Trevor Stockwell Leadership Development Services


TSLDS ©2024

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