Will it be a fabulous February, or January blues continued? YOU can decide...
January 31st...is this the day so many people longingly look towards as soon as New Year's Day has passed?
Have you been eagerly waiting for this?
Is it a struggle to overcome the so-called 'January blues'?
Is it the next payday that brings a bit of balance, (literally), to the Christmas overspend?
Or is that reality loitering a bit further into your future at the next credit card statement?
However you have viewed arriving at this date, we can make it work for us now that it is here, by so much more than just the next injection of funds into our bank accounts.
If you still feel the January blues are likely to follow you into February, then definitely ensure you have followed a few recommendations from health professionals first, then read on…:
From my perspective, we can make February fabulous by adding the power of reflection, which is released by looking back briefly, to then look forward better.
Leaders understand this and use it as motivation for positive change.
Take a moment and think back over this last month. Did you make any resolutions or start a new habit?
Have these disappeared into the mist of desire, never really taking root in your routines?
Or are they still a vibrant reality where you can see improvement?
Wherever you find yourself, do not be downbeat or feel negative. You are where you are, and you are perfectly positioned now to sharpen your self-leadership and rise up!
I reckon January was actually better than you may have first thought...
Think about one thing that was positive in the month:
a new opportunity you embraced,
a good evening out with a friend,
a time when you made an empowering decision,
someone you supported, or helped progress what they wanted to do,
something you avoided on purpose,
someone you met for the first time...
You may be able to list several things.
As we approach February, what positives from January will we take into this new month, and what new thing are you going to start, establish, build on?
Do not try a complete life overhaul, even if you sometimes feel you need it!
When it comes to leading yourself, be intentional about making one change now to improve where you are and what you are doing... this will then bring improvement within the realm of leading others too.
Never underestimate the power of making small changes. What can sometimes seem insignificant, can be the very catalyst to bring exponential results, if given enough time. Compare the acorn to an oak tree. The tree is inside of the acorn from inception, it just needs to release its potential.
Now let's expand this view to others...
Who amongst those that you lead needs a bit of encouragement, or an extra boost of confidence from you?
What (seemingly) small thing have they done which you can acknowledge and nurture to allow its full potential to flourish?
Let me know what you identify and the change you are committing to...
Ditch those January blues and make February fabulous, for both yourself and those in your world.
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