Trevor Stockwell Leadership Development Services

Mastering the Performance Management Process - success with ratios

15 January 2024

A critical aspect of managerial success is an effective performance management process. So, let’s look at this in more detail…


When it comes to your performance management process, ensure you focus the correct proportion of time and attention on these elements. As a manager, your role is akin to conducting an orchestra where multiple individuals, all playing differing parts at various moments, when brought together in the right ratios, harmonize producing much more together than the sum of their parts. 


Six essential elements for a successful performance management process

Maintaining the correct ratios for these elements will enable you to achieve optimal results (and assess areas for improvement within your performance management process when your team underperforms).


1. Clear Expectations and Goals:

This is a foundational element for an effective performance management process. Clearly define your expectations and ensure that the expectations of those you lead align with these. If not, discuss this in more detail. Using a Job Description and organisational vision statement can provide the right framework for the discussion to explore what / how perspectives and expectations differ.


It can be easy to assume that when everyone reads a statement, they interpret it the way you do but this is not always the case. When you detect uncertainty or noticeable disagreement, ensure you listen to their perspective, reiterate your expectations, and why these are set. 


Once consensus has been achieved it is time to set measurable goals. Goals should be like stepping stones or stages of progression towards the ultimate vision / outcome you are aiming to achieve. Entering into activity to achieve goals with misaligned expectations is a recipe for frustration, confusion and waste which is why it is essential to align expectations first.

2.    Regular Feedback and Coaching:

Providing regular feedback and coaching to your team, mixed with giving your attention to listen to them, ensures a dynamic and adaptable environment from which to approach adjustments when required, to either navigate unexpected events or if the team has started to veer away from the desired focus. This equips you to detect misdirected effort early on, minimising inefficiencies.


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3. Professional Development Opportunities:

Integrating opportunities for professional growth into the performance management process promotes longevity. Much like adding variety to activities, ongoing learning and development challenges individuals and team synergy, provides a freshness amidst the predictable and can identify hidden strengths and highlight new opportunities for innovation and creativity. It is an investment in the future of your team and each individual. 


Remember the hypothetical conversation the CEO had with the L&D Manager that highlights its importance…


      CEO: ‘What if we train our staff and they leave?  

      L&D Manager: ‘What if we don’t, and they stay!’

When team members operate in an environment of growth and development, morale and motivation rise, contributing to elevated team performance.


4. Recognition and Rewards:

To complement your performance management process, nurture a culture where, as well as individual growth being valued and encouraged, achievements are acknowledged (be specific) and appropriate rewards are given. “Thanks for...” should be a phrase leaders use regularly with authenticity and focused on highlighting productive and effective ideas, actions etc. This positively boosts performance by motivating team members to consistently deliver their best. 


Encouraging healthy competition amongst team members may be appropriate (once you know your team members, you can decide the best approach), but avoid this becoming too intense and unbalanced as division and negative behaviours will appear, affecting performance and morale. It may be more appropriate to focus a healthy level of competition further afield, i.e. with another team, regional office or competitor. 

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5. Effective Communication:

A successful performance management process cannot be achieved without maintaining open and effective two-way communication. When the right ratio of information is shared trust is built and assurance amongst team members increases, (communicating too much information can cause overwhelm). It fosters a healthy team dynamic because everyone knows that you are approachable, it minimises the likelihood of rumours growing, and ensures everyone is on the same page regarding expectations and progress.


Fine-tune your communication approach, adapting it to resonate more with diverse team members.

6. Balanced Workload:

Considering workload is a vital component in your performance management process. Nobody feels or performs at 100% all of the time and there may be moments when tasks need to be reassigned or delegated elsewhere for a myriad of factors.


Momentum is a manager’s friend when it is having a positive effect on team performance therefore to lose this by being unwilling to listen to the concerns of team members, or being unaware when they are experiencing anxiety (whether work-related or not), is counter-productive. Striking the right workload ratios at any given moment ensures team members are neither overwhelmed nor underutilized, contributing to optimal performance and wellbeing.


Refining your performance management process

Now, reflect on your performance management process.


Are you achieving the desired results?


If not, it's time to assess and fine-tune the ratios in these components to overcome poor performance within your team, or maybe in you!


1. Evaluate Goal Alignment:

Ensure that team goals align with overall organizational objectives. 


Break down overarching goals into Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) objectives. This clarity helps team members understand expectations and track their progress effectively.


Practice collaborative Goal Setting. Involving team members in the goal-setting process enhances their commitment and motivation, and you benefit from their perspectives and insight. Ensure that each team member understands their role in achieving collective objectives.


2. Adjust Feedback Frequency:

Could the current frequency of coaching and feedback sessions be hindering your performance management process? Modify the frequency of opportunities to touch base with team members and experiment by increasing the occurrence. (not necessarily length), of your feedback and coaching sessions. 


Provide timely and constructive feedback. Address both achievements and areas for improvement. Regular, specific feedback sessions create a culture of continuous improvement.


Develop Individualized Coaching Plans to tailor your coaching approach to individual team members based on their unique strengths, interests and development areas. A personalized coaching plan is much more effective than a one-size-fits-all approach.

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3. Personalize Development Plans:

Similarly, tailor professional development plans to individual needs. Recognize that each team member may require a different blend of learning opportunities.


Conduct a thorough Skill Gap Analysis of each team member's skills and competencies. Identify specific development areas then design or source training programs to address these gaps. Blend this with periodic reviews of measurable outcomes from the training content to foster continuous learning and to ensure that the training is effective and embedded, and was not just an ‘event’ that failed to produce improvements.


Introduce and facilitate a mentorship program. As the leader, this does not mean that you have to be the mentor. Involving other team members in cross-mentoring / training initiatives can compound results and contribute to a healthier collaborative learning environment. Encouraging team members to share their expertise communicates their value and a recognition of the strengths they bring to the overall effectiveness of the team. 

4. Review Recognition Practices:

Reflect on your recognition and rewards system. Adjust the ratio of communication and rewards, and channels used to ensure that achievements are acknowledged and celebrated in a manner that resonates with your team.


Is recognition seen as meaningful by the recipient and other team members? Be open to modifying your recognition efforts to maximize their impact. Ensure that recognition aligns with individual preferences. Some team members may value a public acknowledgment, others may prefer more discreet / private praise. 


Implementing performance-based incentives tied to specific achievements provides tangible rewards for outstanding contributions, motivating the team to consistently excel. Again, incentives can vary depending on several factors about your team and also differ in financial equivalence in proportion to what has been achieved. They can be awarded to individuals or several members, small in value, as well as specific ‘larger’ rewards, i.e. time off, certain perks in the office (e.g. free coffee for a week), a book of their choice, a night out and so on. Get creative, and why not collaborate with your team on deciding these too!


5. Enhance Communication Strategies:

Stay flexible in your approach and be willing to make changes where necessary. Foster an open-door / open dialogue, psychologically safe environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their concerns and ideas, (particularly when they differ to yours). Open lines of communication can easily be established through regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and provision of anonymous feedback channels.


Is there sufficient clarity in your messaging? It can be less about what you are saying and more about what individuals are hearing. Remember that we each hear things through the filters of our experience and do not automatically understand or see things the way others hope or expect.


Clearly communicate organizational goals, changes, and expectations, and regularly ensure that all team members can summarize these back to you in a way that reveals you are all on the same page. Ambiguity can lead to confusion and frustration, hindering performance.

6. Optimize Workload Distribution:

Evaluate and regularly assess workload distribution across the team to ensure tasks continue to be allocated appropriately to maximize team efficiency. Have individuals worked at the required / estimated pace or has there been hindrances to their cadence for routine tasks, and inhibitors for more bespoke activities? 


Where imbalances have occurred, redistribute tasks according to individual strengths, availability and capacity in a way that does not communicate failure by the one who has tasks reallocated from them.


Maintaining a flexible approach to work arrangements or project timelines can be the solution to accommodate diverse needs and capacities of team members at specific times. 

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In summary

An effective performance management process is more than identifying ‘what’ needs to happen and ‘when’. By managing the elements above and allowing contingency when planning, mixed with developing an adaptable collaborative approach, can be the difference between successfully navigating internal or external challenges whilst maintaining the wellbeing of your team, AND missing key milestones and harming the health and morale of team synergy.  


By evaluating your ratio-centric approach, you empower yourself as a manager to create a harmonious blend that leads to exceptional team performance. This journey is an ongoing process of refinement, and success is achieved by staying attuned to the unique needs of your team members, and ensuring the correct ratios of these key elements are applied. 


Continuously refine and optimize these ratios to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement and watch as your team achieves new heights of success.



Are there other elements that you have found to be critical to implementing and mastering your performance management process? I would love to hear your thoughts and experience...


If you would like to discuss improving your performance management process, or any aspect of leadership development within your team, schedule a conversation with me here.




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