Podcast Guest on 

The Motivation Mindset Podcast

On this episode we talk about:


 - Maintaining mental flexibility by using various productivity tools

 - How to maximise focused attention using Brain warm-ups

 - Keep perspective with the helicopter view on where you need to focus your energy


More helpful tools available in Risa's book, 'The Ultimate Time Management Toolkit'. 



Trevor Stockwell Leadership Development Services

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"Trevor...you're an awesome interviewer"



Hosting on the 

Yeukai Business Show

YBS podcast


More about what I do...

On this episode ElenaAgaragimova from Bessern explains how neuroscience can help us maximise our learning...

Trevor Stockwell Leadership Development Services

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Self-leadership - you ARE in control!

Mastering the Performance Management Process

Self-leadership - You ARE in Control

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Mastering the Performance Management Process
Self-leadership - you ARE in control!

Mastering the Performance Management Process

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